A downloadable game

Hi and welcome

to the test-page for NHOTN, our bachelor-project. At the moment, there isnt a lot going on. Technically, the game isnt even in the prototype-phase, but hopefully it will be by the end of the year. We will probably also link our bachelor thesis here (beware, its in German).

What is this about?

The game is about the nine aztek gods of the night testing you as their champion against the spanish invasion. You start as a lost soul with a bit of a background. On your jurney through the night and the realms of the gods you battle against harder and harder odds, meet the avatars of the gods themselfe, fight countless foes, talk to rabbits (wait, rabbits?) and travel through multiple areas from the aztek and mayan mythology.


Concept Art of Xiuhtecuhtli, The Turquoise Lord


Concept Art for Boitata, The Thousand Eyed Snake

Where are we now?

Courently, we are working on the first area of the game, a burned-down village at sunset. The level in the downloadable file is the first take on it, but is a bit to big and feels empty, so we will switch it against something more fitting soon.

If you want to give us feedback, please follow the link to our survey where we prepared some questions for our testers HERE , join the DEVELOPEMENT-DISCORD or write a comment on this site.

If you want to read more, please download our first pitch of the project (beware, its also in German). Its also on our Discord.


MovementRight Stick
CameraLeft Stick
Light Right Hand ActionRBLeft Mouse Button
Heavy RightHandAction
RTLeft Shift
Light Left Hand WeaponLBRight Mouse Button
Switch WeaponRight /LeftCross ButtonRight/Left Arrow Key
LockOnPress Right StickMiddle Mouse Button
Open Ingame-MenuSTARTESC
Use Consumable/
Deequip Item


NHOTN_DEMO_0.025.zip 694 MB

Install instructions

Download NHOTN_DEMO.zip. unpack the zip-file and start the exe